viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

Performance as educative experience in high school: a means to promote the motivation and creativity

This work addresses the high potential for contemporary art as the base of educational curricula in art education for the secondary level, especially considering the emotional and physical expressiveness of performance art. In order to evaluate and verify the educational power of performance art, we conducted didactic path in different classes of an Italian public secondary school. The results show that esthetic experiences proposed developed creativity and stimulate the perception and auto-perception abilities of students, meanwhile the performance developed expressive abilities. Therefore, the performance is a valuable tool in contemporary educative environments. Furthermore, we consider that the performance is very useful for students with motivation lack and isolation risk because the straight inputs that offers and basic tool of expression that uses, the body. Howe
ver, the performance art is unused in education and for this reason needs further experimentation in order to define efficient guidelines for their application  in education.

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